When we plan our meals right we can end up eating more food throughout the day without eating as many caloires, the key to doing this is choosing low energy dense foods!
Simply put, energy density is the number of calories (energy) in a specific amount of food. High energy density means that there are a lot of calories in a little food. Low energy density means there are few calories in a lot of food.
This is a great tool/key to losing weight. The reason why is because you will feel more full on more amounts of food and end up eating less the calories. Another great thing about it is that you end up eating a greater variety of food that will give you more of the nutrients you need in a day.
The three key things to look for in low energy dense foods are:
Lets look at a day worth of examples to ring home the idea of eating less energy dense foods.
Eating This:
Packet of Instant Oatmeal = 130 Calories
1 Cup Strawberries = 50 calories
1 light Yoplait Yogurt = 100 Calories

Total: 280 Calories
Blueberry Bagel = 300 Calories
2 TBS Cream Cheese = 120 Calories
Total: 420 Calories
With the 1st breakfast option you are getting more variety of food and more amount of vitamins then the second option. The even greater thing about it is that is almost half the calories!
Now lets look at a snack:
Eating This:
1 apple = 80 Calories
1 light string cheese = 60 Calories

Total: 120 Calories
Nabisco Chips Ahoy Chewy Cookies (3 small) = 180 Calories
4 cups lettuce = 30 Calories
1/2 cup black beans = 100 Calories
1 medium chicken breast = 170 Calories
1 roma tomato = 12 Calories
1/2 cup corn = 60 Calories
2 TBS light ranch = 40 Calories

Total: 412 Calories
2 slices of cheese pizza with thick crust = 680 Calories
1 medium chicken breast = 170 Calories
5 kalamata olives = 50 Calories
1 roma tomato = 12 Calories
1/4 cup red onion = 15 Calories
8z glass of skim milk = 83 Calories
1/2 cooked brown rice = 115 Calories
1 cup raspberries = 64 Calories

Total: 509 Calories
1 medium steak = Around 260 Calories
1 cup mashed potatoes with milk and butter added = Around 240 Calories
8 oz glass milk = 83
Total: 583 Calories
Nighttime Snack:
Dreyers Fruit Bar: 80 Calories

1/2 cup dryers chocolate ice cream: 135 Calories
Total calories for the day:
Low Energy dense meals:
1,401 Calories
High Energy dense foods:
1,998 Calories
Many of these low energy dense foods i talked about have lots of water, fiber, and low amounts of fats. Comparing the two diets between a days worth of food you can see that you eat so much more food when incorporate low energy dense foods. This is a key to understanding weight loss success.
Happy Eating!
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