The Napkin Skirt
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Still Here and Ready to Win it!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Why have I been so busy crafting? Well I've got some competing to do in season 4 of One Month to Win it! You can check me out over there. Voting starts Monday. I'll make sure to remind you :) So wish me luck as I'm off to finish my entry for round one!

Circuit Training
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Here is a sample work out to help with your weight loss needs:
5 minutes- 5.5 jog pace on the treadmill
2 sets of 8 reps - bosu ball pushups
2 sets of 10 reps - side dumbbell lateral raises

2 sets of 10 reps - ball squats
2 sets of 30 secs - bicycles
2 minutes - cycling cardio burst
Repeat these sets of exercises twice to see even greater results!
5 minute - cool down with stretching
Give it a try to give your muscles variety to reach your weight loss goals!
Our New Look!
You may have noticed, or maybe not, but we have been updating the look of the blog this week. We are excited to finally introduce you to the new and improved Better Together! To the left you can find easy access to some of our most popular posts. We have a few other changes as well. Feel free to take a look around. AND Feel free to grab our button… yea we have one of those now!

The Wray Sist3rs
Strawberry Cake
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
1 box white cake mix (with no pudding)
1 small box strawberry gelatin
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
1/4 cup water
3/4 cup mashed strawberries (about 1 carton full)
1/2 cup butter
3 cups powered sugar
1/4 cup mashed strawberries
FRESCHETTA® Simply Inspired Pizza Giveaway winner!
Monday, May 16, 2011
You have until 5/18 to respond. Thanks to all who entered and read our blog! We will have many more giveways for you to win!!
The Garden Apron
A few weeks ago we finally got out to plant our vegetable garden. I am so excited to see what comes of it!
We even put the babe to work. It’s never too early to learn :)
Before we could garden, I needed to make myself something… a gardening apron!
I like to have all of my stuff with me and accessible. Plus, I am very forgetful and I loose things all of the time. I hate having to search my yard for where I left the shovel or my gloves or whatever it is that I am needing at the moment. So when I found this cute vintage looking fabric, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I was going to make an apron to solve all of my gardening woes.
I made sure to cover the fabric with a plastic lining (I forget what the exact name for the plastic is. Just something you can get by the yard at JoAnns.) I wanted the apron to be a little more heavy duty, something that was cute but could still hold up well to me crawling around in the dirt. I am sure a cute oil cloth print would work too.
I used a red bias tape for the edges around the apron and for the pockets.
I finished it off with a big pink bow.
I love it!
While my husband was on a run to home depot to pick up more gardening soil, I had a few minutes to make some vegetable tags. I just used paper and stickers. I thought that these wouldn’t stand a chance to the elements. I am shocked at how well they have held up. I guess it shows that with the power of plastic wrap and clear duck tape anything is possible ;)
Now if only it would stop raining and Summer would show up here in Colorado. I can’t wait to tackle the rest of my yard and other outdoor projects!
How much are you REALLY eating when you are eating out?
Friday, May 13, 2011
FRESCHETTA® Simply Inspired Pizza Giveaway!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of FRESCHETTA® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
We are so excited to be doing a giveaway for FRESCHETTA® Simply Inspired Pizza.
I(Whitney) have to be honest here and say that I usually hate frozen pizza. It tastes like cardboard. Plus the cook and couponer in me can make my own better tasting pizza for a fraction of the cost of a frozen pizza. So when FRESCHETTA® Simply Inspired mailed me a free coupon to try out their new line of pizzas, I was very skeptical. When I got to the store to pick out the pizza I was amazed at all of the awesome varieties they have. There are 8 different flavors! I choose the rustic pepperoni pomodoro.
I was blown away at the flavor. Seriously one of the best frozen pizzas that I have ever had. I am not just saying that. My favorite part was the super thin crust.
Another great feature about this product is the packaging. It doesn't come in the bulky square cardboard box. It comes in a package that uses 30% less material while still offering a FRESH-TASTE SEAL that locks in the vibrant flavors.
You can check out FRESCHETTA® Simply Inspired on facebook: They are offering a $2 off coupon! Score!
FRESCHETTA® Simply Inspired was not only generous enough to offer me a coupon, but as a special treat they gave me a coupon AND a bamboo cutting board for you! (cutting board pictured above)
***Here is how you could win a free pizza and a free bamboo cutting board-
To enter giveaway (you have up to 3 opportunities to win):
1. Leave a comment telling us which of the 8 new flavors you would like to try.
2. Like FRESCHETTA® Simply Inspired on facebook.
3. Become a Better Together follower.
(Make sure that you provide your email address or that your email address is visible in your profile.)
Giveaway ends Saturday, May 14!
Fall Into Spring Top
Monday, May 9, 2011
I bought the fabric for this top last October at JoAnns. I knew the second that I saw it, that I wanted to make myself a top with it. I couldn’t decide how I wanted that top to look. Finally last Thursday, I just went for it. I sewed until I was done. I didn't use a pattern for this. I’m not a huge fan of patterns. I basically just patterned this after a shirt that I already own.
I call it my Fall into Spring top, because of it’s Fall colors. I know that I have said it before, but Fall colors are my favorite colors no matter what time of the year. Plus, I am sucker for anything mustard yellow. I love this fabric!
This top is very versatile. (Ignore my lame modeling poses and weird faces. There is one thing that I know for sure, I did not miss my calling in life as a model.)
You can wear it with a belt.
Or on a breezy evening, you can wear it with a cute sweater and another belt.
Or you can dress it up with a cute skirt. And wouldn’t this look cute with a chunky belt? I am getting back into belts these days :)
A few things about the top. I added a pleated sleeve. I also added 1/2 inch bias tape around the edge of the sleeves and neck.
And since it is Spring Top month over at Made by Rae. I figure I will enter this one.